Sunday, December 4, 2011

Me and my Favorite People

I am SO in love with my hubby and my five little kiddies.   I sometimes forget they are so little, until I see them in pictures.... then quickly realize these little treasures are MINE and are oh so small. I am so grateful to have a family and to get to be a mommy to them all day long!  Thank you to my sweetheart for sacrificing to make this my reality.  I LOVE YOU, and love being loved by you!

Thanks to Kelsey Claire Photography for capturing another beautiful year for my family.  Absolutely LOVE sharing the love of photography with a sister-in-law, a best friend, and a beautiful artist.


  1. What a good lookin' group! Sure made me cry - you are a beautiful woman with a beautiful family and I am inspired by you. Thanks for sharing this precious snapshot of time in your little fam's life. Love you all! P.S. Love the color scheme!!

  2. so fun to see your family!! You are all so beautiful and so adorable!!! Miss seeing you all.

  3. I wish you could take our family picture. You and Kelsie are so amazing!!!!!

  4. ohhhhh my goodness......I love this family of mine. The pictures made me cry.....they are so beautiful!!!!
