Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday to my son Tyler!!!!

This little guy absolutely melts me!  He started out a quiet little personality, but has done a complete 180 this year. All of a sudden since he started kindergarten he has been "Mr. Personality,"  silly, goofy, out going, and loves being center of attention.  I would have never guessed my little introvert would change so much in one year.  He still remains to be a very tender hearted little buddy of mine, but way more charismatic this year than last.  I have enjoyed him so much, and feel that he and I have really connected this year in our relationship.  So glad that this little boy and his gorgeous baby blues, only get to melt MY heart right now.  I don't know how I am going to cope when he's all grown up!!  Love you my Tyler!  So proud of how hard you have worked this year to be your best in Kindergarten!  You've done GREAT!  Happy Birthday! 


  1. Just went through all your latest posts, love them all talented friend. xoxo!
