Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday to My Morgan!

Man I love this little girl!  Sad to admit that she's not so little anymore!  8 is big... really big, sometimes feels too big because I'm not sure how to be a mom to a big girl.  Turning 8 in our family is a big deal, because in our faith it is the year of accountability, becoming responsible for your choices and learning to accept and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior.  How do I help her to know what is right all the time, and how to make the right choices.  I feel I don't even know how to do that lots of the time, so now to have her start really being accountable scares me even more that I gotta be better too!  But I guess we'll just stumble together along this journey of growing together.  Morgan is happy, helpful, kind, tender, outgoing, silly and one of my favorite people to spend time with.  She is becoming more of a buddy rather than just one of my little kids to take care of.  She and I have fun conversations, and laugh together at the chaos and the crazy things that happen at our house that only she and I know about.  It is so much fun to have a daughter like her and enjoy all that she is.  Love you so much Morgan!  I am proud of you and believe in you!  Love, Mom!


  1. SO BEAUTIFUL... that field with the mountains in the background... PERFECT. :)
