Monday, August 16, 2010

Tonya Joy Workshop

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of sitting in on an amazing photography workshop from Tonya Joy Photography. It was such an enjoyable and insightful day!  As you can see above I got to enjoy piggy backing an incredible photo shoot and all the learning of back-lighting, posing, and post-processing! Yipee!! For any of you photography fans... this is a valuable investment to jump-start your love, or fine-tune any skills you'd like to improve.  It was great fun, great friends, and lots and lots of breathtaking images!  Thanks to the amazing Tonya,  and all who planned, prepared, and participated!


  1. These all look great girl, you got some amazing color. :) I really enjoyed meeting you and hanging out.

  2. Wow! Awesome work! In some pictures it looks like the light is hugging them! Maybe I should get myself to a workshop!

  3. Was this like your favorite shoot ever? Soooo fun! Beeeautiful too!
