Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A shoot just for fun with some favorite people!

A little fun with Tonya Joy Photography  in preparation for Workshop No. 7 "The Great Gatsby" coming up in January, and another amazing fun photographer buddy....Kelsey Claire.  If you have any interest in enhancing your photo taking skills, or taking your business to the next level these workshops are a MUST. Tonya has been a large contributor to my success and improvement this past year.  Love her so much!  I always have so much fun when I  practice my favorite craft along with great company!! Its exciting to always be improving, always learning, and just enjoying my journey of becoming better at something I love with all my heart, and investing my creativity in new ways.  I always walk away with improved skills by being with those who uplift and inspire me.  A special thanks to the lovely "Jessicas" and their charming personalities and beauty.  There couldn't be more perfect Gatsby Girls!!! 

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